Index of emme2/archive/other/ (sorted by file dates):

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This directory contains the current DOS and UNIX distributions of GRTOOL. GRTOOL is a set of macros and AWK scripts implementing a link-to-grid interface which can be used to map network data (e.g. traffic related emissions) to corresponding grid squares. For a detailed description and program documentation see the corresponding paper.
mlus92.pdf (May 31 08:44, 11353 kbytes)

autobend_parallel.jpg (Jan 27 2005, 100 kbytes)

autobend_half.jpg (Jan 27 2005, 101 kbytes) (Sep 6 2004, 29 kbytes)

linkbend.png (Apr 27 2004, 119 kbytes) (Jan 28 2004, 161 kbytes) (Jan 28 2004, 2177 kbytes)

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